Sunday, April 25, 2010

What ViviAnne has been up to...

ViviAnne is still at Kosairs in isolation. One of us will update soon with all the latest info in regard to what's going on medically. Just wanted to post a couple things really quick about what she's been up to. Being stuck in a room for over a week, Kristen and Brent have been trying to keep her entertained with art projects, pretend store and beauty salon, and lots of movies, among other things.

ViviAnne wanted to say a big thank you to her teachers and classmates at St. Aloysious for the bag of goodies they sent...

Also, here is a song she and Kristen wrote together...

The Sun has Gone to Bed
by ViviAnne Bohannon

The Sun is awake in the
The Moon is asleep in the morning
At night the Sun has gone to bed
And at night I
must go to bed.
When it is time for night night I tell my Mom & Dad "I love You" cause I really really do.

I know we are friends when the Moon is out & the Sun has gone to bed.
And I know we'll be friends when the sun is out & the Moon has gone to bed too.
And I will be your friend in the morning.
I will be your friend always.

ViviAnne and Brent are working on a cartoon together. So far its about a guy who looks a like a triangle and incorrectly thinks he has super powers, and his sidekick, an evil Chihuahua with an identity crisis (and incontinence) who thinks he is french.

ViviAnne said "tomorrow we will work on their nemesis". Who Brent believes will be a Super Human Princess that fights crime in fabulous masquerade costumes.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers.


sara said...

Despite everything that is going on, I'm so happy to see that beautiful smile! Her little song brought tears to my eyes, so sweet. And I love the comic book - Brent has always been so creative and it looks like ViviAnne is that way too, can't wait to see the hero's nemesis!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am very impressed with how creative ViviAnne is (and her mommy and daddy too!) Love you all! Can't wait to hear ViviAnne sing her song and to see the rest of the comic book!!!
Lots of hugs and kisses!