Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quick Update from Mommy

I took ViviAnne to the clinic today. Her ANC dropped to 500! So more home bound for us! I am very upset by this. Too upset to even express my emotions. I need to sit and be quiet to sort them all out. But as you can imagine I don't get many opportunities for that.

I will tell everyone this; she will not resume chemo until March 13th if her counts are up by then. A full 2.5 weeks with no chemo!!! Not a good thing in my book. She complains about her knees and back hurting here and there too. I'm nervous and scared and mad and AAAGGGHHH!!!!! That is all I can say for now.


Jessi said...

I'll pray everything is okay. I'm very inspired by you.

Michelle said...

you doing better? hope to see you Saturday still.

Anonymous said...

keep the faith kristen! thinking of you all.