Sunday, March 22, 2009

ViviAnne's 3am Conversation

So, there are a lot of nights when ViviAnne will wake up around 3 and stay awake for an hour. And since I am usually in bed with her already from her 11PM wake up she wants to talk, I know shocker.

This morning was a talk I allowed her to have and didn't once ask her to please be quiet and go back to sleep. She started telling me that she did not want to match her Papa any more that she wanted to match me again. (Her hair.) She said she was so beautiful when we got her hair cut like mine (back in August) and she wanted to be again. I assured her she IS beautiful and that her hair is growing back and she and I will match again. Then she started to tear up and she yanked her sleeping hat off and said very sternly, "no it is not! Look! I don't have my blonde hair yet! I look like Papa! And he said we need to match and I don't want to get my hair cut tomorrow!" She said she heard Papa say that she was going too when we take Cooper an Brent to get hair cuts on Saturday and she thought she would be getting her hair cut as well. So I pulled out my assuring mommy tone and said, "I make the decisions on your hair, not Papa, and I say we will not be getting your hair cut tomorrow and you will not and do not match Papa any more. We are going to grow your hair long and you will match me." She dried her little eyes and said, "Okay, thanks. Yeah, Gramma makes the decisions for Papa so we'll just tell her that I'm not gonna match him any more." Then she gave me a hug and said, "I love you. Can you hold me?" And of course I did.

What a discussion to have with a three year old at 3AM! She was so articulate in her thoughts. She never was stumbled on her words or got worked up into a scream. For a moment I felt like I was talking to a 13 year old not a 3 year old. Well, atleast no one has to wonder how she feels on the matter. She is OVER not matching me.

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