Well at the late hour of 10PM ViviAnne and I left Kosairs. We were in isolation the entire time which meant no playroom or really visitors either. She was incredibly stir crazy and ready to go home as was I.
Here is what we know. Her ANC is only 460 so she is home bound again. Her platelets and HMG are low too but no need to transfuse as long as they maintain where they are. If her HMG drops more she'll need a blood transfusion. SO they are holding her chemo until her counts come up. I will be taking her to the pediatrician tomorrow for a counts check and to make sure she is doing okay. Then back to the clinic next week for a recheck and to see if we can resume chemo. Of course the scare of relapse is always on the radar but I think with the high fevers and prolonged cough her body just gave out and that is the cause for her counts to go into the toilet. I HOPE and PRAY that is the case and that we can get chemo going again next week. But as always no hard core answers on what all this means. Just educated guesses. Keep ya posted.
Glad you are home. Let us know if you need anything. We will be around all weekend. My brother is coming in town but we don't have much going on. Let me know if you are up for a trip to Starbucks or margritas (but not Cheddars!) :) love and miss you
It was so awesome to get to see ViviAnne at the shower on Sunday. It made it that much harder to hear that she was in the hospital though. I'm glad she gets to be home, sad that you guys are home bound. Love you all!! :o)
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