ViviAnne is a 5 year old girl who BEAT Leukemia! This blog was created to keep family and friends updated on her progress. This is her story from D Day and on.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Quick Update
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
It is 2:45 AM on Christmas morning. No my children did not wake me up this early, well sorta. ViviAnne woke me up for a drink and I can't fall back to sleep. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with Brent's family. It was just the immediate family so there was not all the chaos of cousins and such but it was exactly what we needed this year. Both the kids have been on a Christmas high all week with gifts arriving daily since Sunday's visit with PeePaw (my Dad). And it has been wonderful to watch their excitement and joy over the presents and celebrating the coming of our Lord. Every night I ask ViviAnne why we really celebrate Christmas and give presents and she responds with "Because it is Jesus' birthday. And because we love him." It warms my heart to know that she is beginning to learn and understand the true meaning of Christmas.
She has felt wonderful all week! And knowing what I know about her treatments I'm in amazement as to how?!? But she has been on this toddler Christmas high and it is wonderful and a bit exhausting at the same time!
So, in these wee hours of the morning I felt compelled to tell you all that she is feeling great and Brent and I are both feeling blessed and relieved that our Christmas is turning out the way that it did, not in the hospital or with her in the bed.
During my night prayers I was so thankful and grateful to God for her health and Cooper's health and all though they have different levels of healthy I am thankful. I just kept telling God thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for Jesus so we may know you and thank you for my wonderful family and thank you for Mary. Now, this last thank you just kinda popped out and so it gave me pause. "Thank you for Mary?" I thought. I am not a Christian who focuses a lot of attention on Jesus' Mom nor do I put faith into her being able to answers prayers so where did this come from. But I went with it and really it is true. How wonderful of a role model for me as a Mom. To have your soul break for you child and be frightened for their life. I know she had faith that far surpasses my own but she was also a Mom. And so I wonder when Jesus was born, born to die, did she hold him tightly in the night while he slept and ask to take His place? Knowing the pray was futile but praying it the same. I think she did. Because that is what I do at night. Knowing God will not give me her Cancer but I pray it anyway. Oh how I long to take her place. Take it all away. Mary HAD to feel the same way, she just had to. So yeah, thank you Mary for being a wonderful role model.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Delayed Intensification Moves On
Friday was also Christmas in the hospital for ViviAnne. Two sets of groups brought her in games and coloring books and toys. She was lovin' it! No wonder she never minds going to the hospital. She has figured out she always leaves with a new toy of some kind! Whatever works to make her not afraid I'm all for!
She is home accessed with her port now, something new for her and took a bit to get her to understand. Like I said any change in the routine or something new sends her spinning. But she is okay with it now and we are keeping she and Cooper seperated as much as possible so the port does not get damaged and ultimately hurt her. Mom (who is a Nurse) is giving her the daily chemo at home because I didn't want ViviAnne to have to get used to a new home nurse and neither did Mom. ViviAnne also started a new oral pill at home 6TG. So if you've kept up with the count that was 4 differnt chemos Friday and then 2 everyday since and then 1 after Monday. Then it is back to Kosairs the day after Christmas to repeat last Friday, minus the Spinal Tap. PHEW!
With all of this she is doing wonderfully. Her spirits are up and she is excited about Christmas! She tells everyone that she wants Santa to bring her a pink guitar. HO HO HO!!! ;)
We are looking forward to the end of the year and moving on to Maintence in 2009! This phase will be the marathon phase of 2 years. We will figure out our new new normal then. But as of today the sun is out and she is happy and I am anxoius (as usual) Cooper is silly and Brent is busy (as usual). So today is a good day. Hopefully tomorrow will be too.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Chemo Delayed
My Mom and I took ViviAnne to the clinic today to begin her second round of Delayed Intensification. Well, she didn't. Her ANC was only 540 and it had to be at least 750 to proceed with her Chemo. So she has to wait a week and be rechecked to see if counts are up. If they are then she will proceed if not then we will wait again. What does all this mean? Two weeks with no chemo as of now? No one knows. Could be absolutely nothing in the big scheme of things or could mean something. No one knows now and will never really know. It is not uncommon for this to happen but I've never read or heard anything about what delaying means for the long haul, because I don't think they know. "One day at a time" is really rearing its head again.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
ViviAnne is doing well...
Sunday ViviAnne perked up. She has been VERY talkative all week and is giggling and the mood swings are not too terrible as of today. The come off of steroids is almost as bad as when she is on them. She had more hunger with this round of steroids than the last and Monday I pulled the plug on only letting her eat chicken fingers and salads. That is all she wanted this steroid round and I learned early on to not fight the cravings just allow her to eat it because it won't last forever. So now she eats normally just more than she normally eats. (Did ya follow that?)
She is okay with being bald now. It took her a couple of days to get there. She kept telling me that she and I don't match any more. And saying she wanted me to cut my hair. It was hard watching her try to put it all together. She'd walk into a room and say, "What do ya think about my hair?" with a smile on her face of course. And we would smile and say how beautiful she is. We explained hair is merely an accessory. And actually she does look great! Her complexion and shape of her head look angelic! She is our little Christmas angel!

Cooper had some issues with her going bald as well. He walked over to the trash can on Friday night and tried to pick her hair up and he said, "Nooooo, SISSY'S! No No Sissy's!" And then walked over to her and hugged her. It was everything I could do not to cry. But that was really it with him. She is still Sissy to him no matter what, he doesn't even give her bald head a second glance. You can tell he is glad to have her a little back to normal and not just laying on the couch and telling him, NO.
Friday all of this goodness is going to be taken away from us again. So I have been trying my best to cherish every moment this week. Knowing it won't last but loving it while it does.
Friday, December 5, 2008
PawPaw Takes One for the Team.
As Kristen mentioned in a day or two ViviAnne's hair may be completely gone. Kristen has cut her hair short again to minimize the trauma of losing it (if at all possible). Pawpaw stopped by the Barbershop on the way home from work today to show her it's no big deal.
The sight freaked her and Cooper out at first. But they eventually warmed up to his new do (or lack there of). ViviAnne has for the most part only really noticed the little girls at the clinic/hospital whose hair has fallen out. Her little mind couldn't figure it out and she always assumed these little bald kids were boys. We always carefully explained in those instances that these were pretty little girls too and that their medicine just made their hair fall out. And that it was okay because it would grow back when they weren't sick anymore.
Within 15-20 minutes tonight, she got it (kind of). She was reassuring everyone, "It's still PawPaw, he just has little girl hair now."
Later tonight, she woke up crying. Referring to something about little babies she must have been dreaming about and how she hated her hair. This is obviously only a temporary yet very emotional visual manifestation of what is going on inside her poor little body. Once again there is nothing that I can say or do to make it better or fix it. We just have to go on like it's no big deal.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday night I was giving ViviAnne her bath and I noticed immediately upon washing her hair that it was falling out badly! She has been in a constant state of shedding since the beginning of chemo but not handfuls worth since induction. As I mentioned her new growth was sticking straight up through her thinning her. Well all day today her hair fell out by the handful!! She has been scratching her neck from all the tickling and tonight during bath I thought "if I sit here and keep washing it is just going to all come out in my hands."
I couldn't believe how much hair was coming out and she never even flinched. I asked her if she was sad about it falling out and she said no that she was scared. She would look at her hair lying on my lap after she would lay on me and just stare at her blonde hair on my legs against my black pants. You could tell her little 3 year old brain was trying to put it all together. I explained it would grow back and it is okay and she is beautiful and like many other little girls at the clinic she will be just as wonderful too. It broke my heart to have such a converstaion with my daughter. She is such a girly girl and I don't want her to be scared. Brent asked me how I was doing with it. I responded with, "I have no choice. I have to be fine so that she is fine." And so that is how I am with a lot of this, just fine.
She was real quiet all day today, weak acting and sounding is what it was. She has been very weak and close by me all week. You can tell she just doesn't feel well. Around 5ish she perked up today. She gets about two bursts of energy a day. They usually last about an hour or so. One around 10ish and then one around 5ish. Sleep follows not too long after the bursts. She sleeps in 2-3 hour spurts this week and last. Very restless and whimpers most of the night. I do what I can to soothe her all though it is not enough. Talk about helpless. Maybe that describes how I really feel; fine and helpless. This, like all things, is not in my hands; it is in God's and all we can do is pray.