Sunday, September 7, 2008


Written by Daddy

 On Thursday night, August 4, 2008  Kristen and I went to a pediatric cancer support group at Gilda's Club ( The namesake Gilda Radner, one of the original "Saturday Night Live" cast members, once said "Having cancer gave me membership in an elite club I would rather not belong to." This place embodied that precisely with sticks and bricks and a very warm, welcoming environment.  Gilda's Clubhouse is beautiful place located on Baxter Ave. across from Phoenix Hill.  Their sole purpose is to support people fighting cancer.  Whatever shape "support" may take the organization aims to provide that service.

Kristen and I chose to go that night desperately seeking something; something from professionals or something from other parents who really understand.

I don't know what we were looking for.

Was it someone to say "You are doing all the right things?" 

Was it for someone to tell us "You are doing this all wrong and should be doing this? 

Was it for someone to thrust out of my analytical obstinate mind the constant recalculating contemplation that a 85-90% survival rate means that 1 in 10 children die?

Or maybe it was just for someone to say "I know, I've been there!"

We happen to be there on a night that was intended to re-organize or re-define what "support" meant for this particular group.  The intent of the meeting was to have a sounding board of parents and patients and all the associated organizations to determine what else could be done or how better Gilda's Club could meet the needs of it members.  Unfortunately, as it originally seemed, no other parents or patients showed up for one reason or another.  Things happen for a reason, right!?!  This turned out to be exactly what we needed.  Kristen and I had the undivided attention of representatives of Gilda's Club, Kosair Children's Hospital, The Lymphoma & Leukemia Society of Kentucky, Hosparus, and the Children's Hospital Chaplin. The director asked us to introduce ourselves and our story. I still don't know how long the meeting was supposed to last, but over two hours later Kristen and I left Gilda's Club.  The director indicated that just listening to just us gave the organizations a clear direction and the focus they needed.  We could sense the consensus from across the dinning room table that each of these wonderful people representing each of these amazing organizations once again realized they are not just sustaining a worthy cause.  They are supporting a Mommy and a Daddy and a beautiful baby girl in the fight of their lives.

We would rather not belong, but are excited to become members of this elite club.  Kristen and I stepped out of the clubhouse doors into the misting late summer rain and a place we haven't been in a long time:  On the same page and happy!

1 comment:

Eric said...

so glad to know that you all got what you needed out of your 'club meeting', brent. it's awesome that you all were able to ask questions and talk one-on-one with experts and others who can offer support. thinking of you all always! jenny and eric