Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chemo Update

Written by Mommy

It has been awhile since we have updated on what she is doing treatment wise. She began her new round of chemo last week. She received her Vinchristine through her port and is continuing to take the 6MP pill at home. She was placed on steroids, only for 5 days thankfully, and is now taking Methotrexate at home in the form of a pill. The spinal tap will only be once this month instead of once a week. YAY! As Stacey mentioned she does have kidney stones and we are watching them to determine how they should be handled. They do cause her pain when they move and I don’t believe she has passed one yet. They have her on some meds to try and ease with the passing of the stones, no pain meds but something to try and make it easier.

To be completely honest with you, giving her chemo on a daily basis is starting to get to me. I keep thinking and telling myself, “This is to make her better. Yes they make her feel like crap but it is for the best in the long run.” But still I used to think of chemo as this thing Doctors did; not something I would ever be giving to someone, especially my own daughter. It kind of messes with your head and serves as a daily reminder that yes, she is sick and in the fight of her life, literally.

Everyone asks “how is she?” and I usually respond with “She is doing fine.” And well, I am not so sure that is the case. She is sleepier than a normal 3 year old. She has her moments of panic when I don’t know what is wrong with her and she has her normal playful moments as well. All along I’ve thought “she is breezing right through this we are so lucky!” but now with the kidney stones being caused by the chemo I am having second thoughts on that. Maybe her little body isn’t breezing through this and either it is her age and/or my own inability to handle this that I am not realizing how she really is. She is sick! And I know that, but living the day to day with a child who has Cancer is the hardest thing I hope I ever have to do. I find myself retreating to a place in my head where there is no cancer and she is just fine and this is just like a bad flu or something. And then she throws up or her hair lands in my hand and the harsh reality slaps me in the face. The reality of even though none of us are promised tomorrow my daughter really only has an 85-90% chance of making it out of this successfully, baring nothing out of the ordinary goes wrong. Now, I know those are great odds, the best you can get even, but up until this point the odds have not been in our favor even when we’ve been told that they were. SO I go through the motions of pill after pill, holding her, talking to Cooper and trying not to lose my mind and my marriage with all this. I pray the entire way down the hall when I wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning and she actually hasn’t woken me up yet. I pray that she is still alive. I pray that she is just having a good night’s sleep; one that is not filled with night terrors of being poked or scanned or being fretful from not feeling well; one where she dreams of happy things like the zoo and the beach.

The past 2 months have been the longest ones of my life yet it seems like a lifetime ago that she was diagnosed. Our previous life really is gone forever and that is okay but we still haven’t really figured out this new one. I mean I know the counts rules and the fever rule and I have the medication schedule worked out but how to actually DO this I have yet to figure out. How to DO this life and it be a life that doesn’t drive me down into a deep pit or tear my family apart I have yet to figure out. I think we, Brent and I, both feel like we are drowning and keep fighting to come up for air to only have the air be full of bad stuff and so back down we go. Even the “our time” which is very little is still filled with Cancer talk and/or how many times Cooper fell down this week. (His faced is bruised now from falling onto his face off of the stairs in the garage. OUCH!) But it is all I can think about. It is all I do. I can’t even clean out a closet, do the laundry or make a dinner without the thoughts of how my children are doing with Cancer staying in my head. How is ViviAnne REALLY doing and how is Cooper coping with his Mommy being taken away from him with no warning for 4 days at a time? Will I ever get to be the Mom I always wanted to be? After last week, it doesn’t appear as though I will any time soon.

So in this deep pit where I am currently residing I happened upon a scripture in a book a dear friend gave to me for my birthday this year. I don’t read this book nightly just pick it up from time to time when I think about it. Well, tonight ViviAnne is so tired from Chemo that bedtime was early and fast so I picked it up. And here was the very first thing I read at a random page I turned to. 

“Moments of darkness in our lives may be caused by the death of a loved one, the loss of a job or a home, or another great tragedy of life. Yet there is a greater darkness than these tragedies: the darkness in the eyes of one who has not felt God’s love, grace, and the assurance of his hope. There is hope for all of us. There is light. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our hope and light in the darkness.”

—Margaret Fishback Powers. 

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.”—Ephesians 5:8 

HUH, I guess my Nana is right, God really is everywhere and has His hand in each and everything we do, all we have to do is be receptive to it. This is just what I needed coming off of 2 really bad weeks. Thanks, God.


Anonymous said...

Kristen -- I honestly can not imagine what kind of mother you could want to be that would be better than the one you are now. You have been so strong and so patient all along. The Cooper family is truly blessed to have you as a part of our family.

Love you all,

Jessi said...

Kristen - My heart is with you. You have shown incredible strength through your messages on this blog. I keep you all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Kristen -- Kassie is right, you have been doing all the things a great mother does. You are doing what is best for your children, and being so strong for your family while it would be so easy not to be strong. We are very lucky to have you as part of the family.

Love You

Anonymous said...

I'm sure is hard for you all Kristen and I'm sorry we can't offer to help you bare the load. Please know you ALL are constantly on our minds and in our hearts. Please know we are always here to offer support and love however we can. I know we don't see each other often, but you, Brent, ViviAnne, and Cooper are constantly being thought of. Sending you lots of love and hugs. jenny & eric

s.d. said...

like i said before...mommy rolemodel.

Anonymous said...

Kristen & Brent,
I'll always remember the first time we met you all and ViviAnne at Jeff & Melissa's house for someone's birthday (I think). She had just found her voice and screamed joyfully all over the house all day long. I know you can't wait to hear that happy scream again. You've been in our thoughts & prayers daily since Karen told us ViviAnne's diagnosis and I've been keeping up with her progress on her blog. I hope and pray that the next 2.5 years will go quickly and in the end all you'll remember is how faithful God is to His promises.

Love and Blessings from Abigail's Grandma Judy and Grandpa Ralph

Anonymous said...

Kristen and Brent,
I think you are both incredibly strong people and I pray that God will shine his light on you through all this.

Anonymous said...

I could only hope that Robbie and I would have the same strength you both have shown. I can't imagine how difficult this is... We are always thinking of and praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Kristen- I told someone close to you today "not to be numb because you miss the feeling". I'm really eating my words right now. I had no idea the amount of stress and uncertainty she faces every day. That someone is your sister-in-law, Stacey, who happens to be an old friend of mine. I also grew up with your husband, Brent, before they moved out of the Southend. I don't have words to ease the pain you and your family feel. I don't have answers to the questions I'm sure you have. I do, however, have all the faith, hope, and love I'm able to offer. Being a mother myself, and a nurse at that, I can deeply sympathize with the harsh reality you face hour by hour, minute by minute. I once heard that "forever is only one step and a prayer away". Those words came from a mother whose 1 year old child sat in a hospital bed awaiting a heart transplant. WOW!

Please extend my thoughts and prayers to Brent, Viv, and the rest of the family.

Lots of Love and encouragement,

Jessica Norman and Family

Stacee30 said...


Hi, Matt just gave me this link to be able to keep up with VivaAnne and your family. I know we haven't met yet but I do want you to know you and your entire family have been in my prayers for a long time now.
After reading your latest blog I am deeply touched at how you are handling things. You may not think you are handling them well but you are doing the best you know how to. I do not know if I would even be strong enough to write like you do. ViviAnne is very lucky to have YOU as her Mommy.
Keep your head up and your spirits higher. I know it's hard...well maybe I don't really know but I do know that you are a strong woman and through God you can handle anything he throws at you. He would never give you anything that he is not willing to bring you through. When you have great challenges you have to have greater faith and I think you do. Cherish every day and know you have plenty of support and people like me praying for you. Children are resilient and can sometimes handle things better than we can. Remember that when you worry about Vivianne and Cooper...they love you unconditionally and will no matter what.

I want to leave you with one last thought.....

Always laugh when you's cheap medicine.

We love you guys,
