Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

Written by Mommy

I took ViviAnne to physical therapy today. Her therapist was really pleased with all the progress she has made in just the past week. Even though ViviAnne wasn't really in the mood, since she woke up at 6:00AM this morning, the therapist at Kosair's (who is AMAZING by the way) was able to get in all the therapy she needed. Just as we were wrapping up, ViviAnne wondered over to a table and began picking up little hand weights. No big deal. They only weighed 1-2 pounds. WELL, they had heavier ones there too that I couldn't see and she knocked a 5 pounder off of the shelve and right onto her pinky toe. OUCH!!! 

So she is sitting on the couch with a boo boo band-aid on her little toe with her foot on a pillow saying she can't walk. Is it broken? I don't know. OR is it something she knows she can get away with? Who knows. But whatever the case, needless to say, the therapist and I both felt like CRAP! I was thinking, to myself, "Really Kristen, REALLY! You bring her to the hospital for therapy and tell her no boo boos and then you let THIS HAPPEN?!? As if cancer isn't bad enough and her not being able to walk from the chemo for about 3-4 weeks and now THIS!"

Never a dull moment with a three year old.....cancer or no cancer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what, Honey? Even with cancer she is growing and learning. This is one of those little lessons none of us forgets. Don't be so hard on yourself!

Poor baby-girl, though! I hate to think of her limping around with a sore toe with everything else going on. We wanted normalcy, though, didn't we?

Hope your mom is recovering from her recent surgery. Give everyone our love. You and Brent give each other hugs for us. We love you all so very much!!
