Friday, January 23, 2009

No Spinal Tap Again

Note from Aunt Stacey:
Kristen asked me yesterday to post the update below. Sorry I just got to it now. Also, Brent and Kristen both are miserable with the Flu today. Not sure if they got it from Coop or not. They shipped the kids off to Nana's for the day to give them a rest and avoid infecting or re-infecting the kids. I spent the day with ViviAnne the other day when Coop was sick and have tons of pics to post. Check back later this weekend to see them:)

Also, fundraising for ViviAnne's treatment has not ended. The PayPal/Chip-In widget to the right of this page is incorrect. I'll work on getting that fixed ASAP.

Written by Mommy

I took ViviAnne to the clinic at the bright and early hour of 8AM to have her counts checked and repeat her spinal tap. If you notice below it did not work properly last week. Well, the doctor there today said that steroids, in her experience, can cause the spinal fluid to dry up some so if her fluid was not wanting to run/drip before steroids and she just ended steroids yesterday then the chances of it running/dripping today were slim. The ultimate decision was mine, but I opted to not even attempt the spinal tap to then have the chance of having to attempt to do it again next week. Three weeks in a row of spinal taps was more than I cared to tackle. So, I said we'll see ya next week. She will continue with her oral meds at home and the steroids are over until next month. She is feeling pretty good and her spirits are up. The steroids have made her belly pooch and her cheecks rosey so she looks healthy and happy. And I think, all in all, she is. 

Cooper is feeling better. For those of you who don't know he was throwing up all weekend. He still doesn't have much of an appetite but he is doing tons better. No one else in the house caught what ever it is that he had. We did send a stool sample to the lab to try and figure it out. He ate some recalled peanut butter crackers last week so the possiblity for salmonella, all be it slim, is still there. With no one else in the house sick it makes me wonder. 

All in all we are weathering it okay. I would not have said that 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I felt like I had hit this wall and the wall won! But I've been to a therapist provided by the Cancer Research Center and she is great so with her help I am hoping to get back to feeling like a normal, calm Mom again.  Time will tell. 


Michelle said...

She looks so good. I think it is b/c some of the steriod weight is coming off her chin and she looks like herself again. She is jsut so sweet. Let us know if you need anything.

Kris said...

Such a beautiful child. I am so sorry that you all have to deal with this. Cancer is so ugly. My daugher was at Kosairs in 2005 for an emergency heart transplant. So I am familiar with a little bit of how your life is. It is so hard to watch your child suffer. There is so much I want to say but just know this. God is with you and He will see you ALL through this. He hears every prayer and knows every tear that you cry. I will be praying for you EVERY day. God bless you and your entire family.