Sunday, June 14, 2009

Delayed Update

A week ago ViviAnne received treatment. Her counts were still VERY high so one more month and then they will need to adjust her chemo pill to a higher dose if the counts remain high. As stated before, too high of counts means her body is processing the chemo too quickly and the chances of relapse are higher when counts remain too high for too long. It is all a balancing act. This time the chemo seemed to hit her hard! She was her usual angry, hungry self from the steroids and she had NO energy. She would want so badly to play, and would for a bit, and then she would go and lay down. You could tell she just did not feel well and was angry that she didn’t feel well. It took about a whole week and then she felt better. She has such an attitude this week too! But this could be a 3 year old with chemo brain too. Not a good combo.

Her hair is really growing and she has a cute little tan from swimming and her hair is getting white from the sun. I think it might be curly. The whole back of her head is wavy and the sides are long enough to be over her ears now and it is starting to curl up too. We shall see!

Even though this time of our live is trying I am reminded daily by acts of kindness from friends, family and strangers that God does have his hand in all of this. It is really comforting to know people are out there praying for us and supporting us through all of this.

Thank you Jindy and Christy...

Brent’s cousin, Christy, and her new husband Jindy have written very encouraging words on the blog and sent cards with words of prayer and encouragement as well from the very beginning of ViviAnne’s treatment. Well, now these two beautiful people have even gone one step further. They asked all of the guests at there Texas wedding reception to not bring them gifts but instead to use that money and donate to ViviAnne’s Fund! HOW AMAZING and UNSELFISH is this!?!?! To forego wedding presents so our family can have a bit of the financial strain lifted is too awesome for words!! We thank you for all of your kindness and love, Jindy and Christy. And to your guests who donated as well. Thank you!!


Michelle said...

The flowers in the background look like a hairbow. SOON! hairbows will be back! Yippee! Now she will know what every woman always wonders, "Can I pull off short hair?" YES, you can ViviAnne! Lookin' good!

The Whalens said...

Hey ViviAnne! I am always checking your site. My daughter is also 3 and was just diagnosed with ALL on May 7th. Reading your past journals and seeing your beautiful smile gives me encouragement and strength in Ashlyns battle. You are a very pretty little girl and I'm sure that you and Cooper keep your Mom and Dad very busy. Both lil cuties!! I'm so glad to know that you are doing good. One day we will get together. Life is pretty crazy right now, but it will settle down. I know your family checks my website too. It is so awesome to know that so many people really do care. Keep up the pretty smile and take care of Cooper too! You help me keep things positive!! :)

Kim Brown said...

Look at all that hair! I'm in awe. Emma's is just now starting to come back - we have a little bit of a downy soft afro. It's precious.

The wedding story made me want to cry. What generous people!

I hope ViviAnne continues to do well and that they get the chemo situation worked out. We are having the opposite problem - Emma's too sensitive - and it's not any better on this end either. But what can you do, right?

Still praying for y'all. :)

christyboh said...

We think about and pray for you all often. We wish we were closer, but we at least want you all to know that we are here if you need anything. She looks so cute right now!!! I love all the pictures.