ViviAnne is a 5 year old girl who BEAT Leukemia! This blog was created to keep family and friends updated on her progress. This is her story from D Day and on.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Rough Patch
Just a quick update. ViviAnne is going through a rough patch right now. Treatment did not go very well on Friday and her ANC is down to zero, which means it is nearly impossible for her body to fend off infections. Brent and Kristen are on lock down, keeping her at home and not allowing any visitors. Just wanted to give a quick update, Kristen can write more later if or when she has the time or desire.
Below is more info on Neutropenia.
ANC stands for Absolute Neutrophil Count and refers to the total number of neutrophil granulocytes present in the blood.
Neutrophils serve as the major defense of the body against acute bacterial and certain fungal infections. Neutrophils usually constitute about 45 to 75% of all white blood cells in the bloodstream. When the neutrophil count falls below 1,000 cells per microliter of blood, the risk of infection increases somewhat; when it falls below 500 cells per microliter, the risk of infection increases greatly. Without the key defense provided by neutrophils, people have problems controlling infections and are at risk of serious complications.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Update from Mommy

ViviAnne is in her second week of Delayed Intensification phase. She will receive another round of DOX and Vinchristine this Friday at OMO because the clinic is closed for Thanksgiving. She was really out of sorts yesterday. She was combative and very agitated. Of course during the middle of it I was losing my patience thinking, "What is with her today." That is one of the many difficulties with her being so young and not being able to express how she is really feeling. And usually it is after the fact that I catch on. Which is filling me with guilt for not picking up on things as quickly as I think I should. Today she is just tired acting. Quiet at times and siting a lot too. Hopefully she is okay and just having a rough couple of days, I'd hate for something bad to come knock her down and put her in the hospital. That being said, we have home bound ourselves since the start of this phase because of all the people out and about this time of year and the flu and strep throat and....I could go on and on. The kids and I are already getting a bit stir crazy but that to shall pass. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
She Pooped!
She did it!! They decided to not admit her today but went ahead with the PEG chemo anyway and then went up in strength for an at home laxative which she will remain on for at least a week to make sure she is good and going. And well that with the Miralax AND the Senna (stool softener) she finally went tonight!!! YAY!!
She tolerated the PEG okay but refuses to walk b/c both of her legs are so sore and she has been wimpering ever since they were given to her today at 1:30. Hopefully tomorrow she will feel better. And then on Friday it is back for more chemo and the Kool-Aid chemo (DOX). Which is dreadful stuff. It is all dreadful but something about putting something red into your body that isn't blood is just wrong.
Anyway, she is still tired and cranky and thankfully we only have 2 more doses of steroids b/c they made her VERY moody this time around. As if 3 years olds weren't moody enough without chemo. ;)
High ho, High ho it is off to chemo world I go!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Chemo Update
ViviAnne began the dreaded Delayed Intensification last Thursday. She handled it all wonderfully but has been very tired ever since. Sleeping more and just telling me she is tired, plus her color is pale and her eyes look weak. But she is not throwing up so that is good. The steroids are making her moods swing considerably but she is not hungry this time. We went today for another form of chemo, PEG, but it is delayed and so is her treatment for this Thursday due to constipation. When we went to clinic today we were concerned that she has been constipated for a week and the chemo will only make it worse so we are holding it off until she poops. She has 24 hours to poop with the assistance of the 3 different kind of laxatives and stool softeners we've BEEN using at home and if that doesn't work then the will have to admit her to the hospital to physically remove the stool. So we are waiting on poop, AGAIN! It obviously would be better if she could go at home. So that is what is new with us. Just another day in chemo world.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
One thing Cancer has taught me...
Written by Mommy
A woman I’ve met through Chemo Moms told me she has a letter that says, “Dear Cancer, thank you for….”and she has a list of things it has taught her along the way. Now, I personally have not started one of these letters all though I know I should. There are many things I need to take time and do but I’m not always in the right frame of mind to be positive and uplifting towards myself or others. But I will tell you this. I have learned through our Cancer journey to not be so cynical towards people because the capacity at which God has created us to love is astounding!! There is not one single day that someone does not somehow convey to us that we are still in there thoughts and prayers and the amount of love poured out to ViviAnne and all of us is amazing! So I plan to pay it back, pay it forward and even pay it sideways each and every chance I get!
I’ve always been one to stand back and not approach people. I have always thought that I didn’t have anything worth saying nonetheless worth listening to. But no more! Sometimes it is just a kind word from a stranger that brightens a day. Take for example ViviAnne’s new Chemo Angel. It is this woman who lives in Washington, her name is Jessica. And she has 3 little girls and is planning on taking time out of her week to send a little something to ViviAnne for the next18 months while she is in treatment. It is a volunteer program and people across the country sign up and support complete strangers going through chemo just to let them know someone is still with them even if it is not physically. HOW AMAZING IS THIS?!?!?!?! I encourage everyone to check this out, even if it is just to be blown away by the love out there. ..
It is so easy in today’s world to forget people love and care about others. When the world seems wrong, which it often does now in the face of cancer, God really is working through people and my heart over whelms at the love we get. Some days, like yesterday, it is the only thing that keeps me going I think. So thank you again. And hopefully some of this will touch others of you out there. Cancer has changed me, good and bad, I just remain prayerful that along with ViviAnne’s health will come good out of all of this. Because honestly the days are getting bleak and the love of God and others is the only thing we have to lean on right now. Thank you!Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween (long overdue)