Today is the day the cast comes off! She is excited about it and, to tell you the truth, so am I. Over the past 5 weeks she did figure out how to do things with one hand or at least use the fingers that stick out of her cast but the cast slowed her down. Which is amazing considering she is a pretty slow moving person to begin with! I really took for granted what it was like to have a 5 year old who has no mobility issues. A simple arm break helps to remind me how fortunate we are to have such healthy kids.
On the topic of health, last week was Spring Break. Both the kids had a G.I. Bug. Not at the same exact time but back to back from one another. So the ENTIRE week we had to stay close to home and a bathroom. Thankfully our kids are young enough that they don't look forward to being off of school like older kids do so for them it was just another week at home sick. No big deal.
Allergies have started to give us some grief but not as bad as last year. Hopefully it will stay mild for us because allergies are just annoying!!
With only about a month left of school for us we are already starting to think about next school year. On one hand I hate to do that but on the other I also love to plan. Especially when it comes to school stuff! I just get so excited for them! I also want to make the right choices for them so I think about it quite a bit. It is kind of an uncomfortable feeling to have only school decisions to make and not have them overshadowed by cancer decisions. Uncomfortable because it is a new/unknown feeling but one I'm welcoming and getting used to.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Spring and that whatever troubles/struggles you are facing you will find the strength/humility to turn towards God and turn it over to Him.