I definitely think this time the coming OFF of steroids was worse than being ON them. She has lashed out more being off of them but we are working on it. On the plus side, her sleeping has gotten better the past 3 nights. She was only sleeping for about 5 hours while on the steroids but she has slept through the night for the past 3 nights. This is a HUGE help to my sanity. I am a person who needs sleep and although I do not get it I can only tolerate no sleep for so many days and then I physically get ill. Back when she was first diagnosed I could go a week straight with very little sleep before crashing, now about 4-5 days is my limit and then I’m sacked out, so her timing was perfect on sleeping through the night.
ViviAnne was looking at pictures online of an 11 year old boy she knows from clinic, Jesse, who we have referred to in previous posts, and she said “Oh, he looks like a PRINCE!” He was dressed up and she thought he looked nice. She thinks any man dressed nicely with a “Mommy” must be a Prince so this was a complement to Jesse.
She and Cooper were playing last week, and by playing I mean rolling on the floor, and Coop all of the sudden stands up and says, “Ouch, Sissy, you hurt my port.” As he is holding is chest in the exact spot she has a port. I tried very hard not to laugh but did tell him he doesn’t have a port. She is convinced that one day he too will get a port and telling her other wise is like spitting into the wind, so I don’t.
She is doing great besides the temper this past week, hopefully that will fade too and then we will go in for another treatment, but this is our cycle. I think of the ebb and flow of the ocean waves when I think of her cancer treatment schedule. And like the waves sometimes the crashes and roars are very loud and turbulent. But with the help of God, family and friends we are navigating through these waves.